Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksblogging

Well fellow bloggers and friends i wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! I've always thought this picture reminds me of my family and our get togethers for the holidays. I'm not going to stay long but I do want to make a list of ssome things i am thankful for.
  • first and foremost God, without him i couldnt even be sitting here typing on the computer for you. HE made all of US!
  • For my family. Momma, Daddy, Thomas, Elizabeth. Grandmother and Granddaddy, [uncle and aunt]Lynn and Cam, [aunt]Carla, my cousins Sarah, Josh, Julia, Tori, and Taylor. My Pawpaw Buck and Nana who are watching over us from heaven. Mawmaw Sue and Papaw John and everyone else in my family. "Uncle" Johnny and "Aunt" Teresa who aren't blood relations but might as well be. Their two kids Abigail and Meredith who are like sisters to me.
    some of my marvelous friends. sorry you can't see everyone.
    but at least you can see Mason
  • For all of my friends who are like family. Annamarie, Anna Smith, Allie, Walt, Oj, Lauren, Nick, Mason and everyone else I love with all my ♥
  • The food on my table, the bed i sleep in, the roof over my head, the clothes i wear and all the little things that make me smile.
  • YOU, my fellow bloggers and followers. You are my slowly growing fanbase. Keep reading and commenting and tell everyone else about me :)
And for the laugh that has to do with me reading Juliet and Nick reading Romeo, well thats another story.
I love you all so much. Happy Thanksgiving/Thanksblogging!

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